Monday, March 29, 2010 sucks to be me.

Alright so I suck at blogging. Monty and Nik the Greek make it look so easy.  Finding the time is frankly very hard.  Well apologies.  Anyway so much has happened since the last blog that I hardly know where to begin.  On the fitness front I have now lost 40lbs (yeah.. my feet are very appreciative).   On the spiritual front I have been studying some ancient texts and philosophies so I am a much more enlightened person (be it one thats now better read but much more confused).  So I guess the make over is going well.  Other things that have happened?  Well I did have a little health scare.  I found I had a small tumor in my arm that turned out to be cancerous but very slow growing and totally treatable (still caused a bit of heavy drinking I needed an excuse..I'm just saying).  I also got a promotion at work (well deserved as I toot my own horn).  I would elaborate more but I am a business analyst so there really is no way to make that interesting.  OOH OOH I have to tell.  I had a date.  An HONEST TO GOODNESS DATE.  It was very cool.  I was kind of skeptical when he asked because didn't actual dating go out of favor with the gay tribe in the 80's?  Anyway I had fun and even though we are probably just going to be friends I saw that as a positive sign of things to come.  I have also been a busy bee planning my vacations for the year.  Thanks to my promotion I actually get three weeks now.  Yes I said three weeks (I am so happy I barely know what to do with myself).  Well so far I am going to go home to my home town in Alabama and party with the family on July 4th.  That should be cool but it will also be a test as all mu southern relatives cook like Paula Deen and that is what got me in trouble in the first place but I will pray that I have the strength to stick to my new found healthy habits.  I will also take some during the holidays so that I can spend some time with my nieces and nephews who I love dearly. Now what will I do with the other time?  I know that I want to take a major trip this year but I am having trouble deciding.  Anybody have a suggestion?   Europe was my first inclination but the dollar is not so hot against the Euro so the maybe out of the budget and I have been there before.  I will have to think on it some more.  Well that is it for now.  Hopefully I will find more time to be more of a responsible blogger (if I can call myself that).  Oh and good for you Ricky Martin.  I just knew he was to sexy to be straight.

Alright, so here I am again.

I am picking this blog back up after many years and many life changes. I originally started this blog under the name of "Making Over th...