Thursday, May 6, 2010


Well, I finally made it back.  I am here at work (did not even think I could do this here.  It will be helpful.)  So to get the quick updates out of the way.  To date I have now lost close to 50 pounds!  Still a lot more to go.  I have now realized that even after I reach my weight goal, I will need to spend a lot more time firming up.  On the spiritual front I have started yoga and meditation.  The yoga part is OK but I have to admit that meditation is a struggle as it seems almost impossible to completely clear and quiet my mind.  I guess I will need a lot more practice. 
    Now that is done let me get on my soap box.  I have been dating as you know.  Not a lot but a few.  I have joined some online social sites and have gotten a new iPhone and downloaded some gay singles apps and joined those as well.  Since then I have chatted with a plethora of guys both near and far.  Let me tell you it has been a eye opener.  I have chatted with so many guys that have put so many limits on themselves that its a wonder that they meet anyone at all.  For example most guys here in Texas are obsessed with the distinction between what is considered masculine and what does not.  I personally don't think in those terms.  I just know that I am attracted to a broad range of guys some who are very masculine and some who are what I guess some would consider femme.  I actually chatted with one guy who said that if he saw one thing that said gay about a guy he would no longer be interested.  I mean really!!  He then admits that he has trouble meeting guys.  I wonder why!!(I said sarcastically).  I chatted with another guy who only wants to be with guys who are bi-sexual.  He gets off on knowing that they are with women and then drop them to be with him.  He says it makes him feel special.  Later in our conversations he stated that he was ultra lonely and could not understand why he could not keep a long term relationship.  Could it be that he cannot keep a relationship because he only picks guys who can't commit to anything?  Now to my experience lately I have chatted and exchanged pictures with guys where they have come back and said things like:  Your are to gay, to butch, to big, not big enough, to average,  to old (this one coming from a guy who was three years older than me), and the best one yet to normal looking.  Yes to normal looking.  What does that really mean.  I guess the moral of this is that most of these guys have put such limitations on themselves and then wonder why they are alone.  It seems obvious to me that they have cut themselves off from anything meaningful by putting impossible limitations on the people they want.  By those standards no one will ever match up.  Now I realize that some of this is just stuff said to let me down.  Those that I have included I still talk to and have become buddies with. To me this is just crazy.  Have you guys experienced this kind of thing when you were dating? 

Now I am casually dating two guys that are more like me just average Joe's.  We shall see where this goes. 

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Alright, so here I am again.

I am picking this blog back up after many years and many life changes. I originally started this blog under the name of "Making Over th...